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The bond requires greater than 60% support to pass. Reaching this threshold is no easy task and will only be possible with your support.


We are seeking volunteers to help with:​

Phone Calling

Select weekday evenings

We are calling voters to inform them of the levy and bond on:​​


Click on the dates above to sign up.


Phone bank are from 5:00 to 7:00 pm at Rice Fergus Miller (275 5th St, Suite 100) in downtown Bremerton. Bring your cell phone and we provide the rest: training, script, call lists, etc.


Saturday mornings starting

January 13

Doorbelling is the most effective form of voter contact. Contact rate is nearly 30% and voters reached on the doors are 18% more likely to vote.


We will be doorbelling Saturday mornings from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm beginning January 13. We meet outside a different school each week:​​


Click on the dates above to sign up.


As with phone banking, we will provide all the supplies. All you need to do is come prepared to doorbell, rain or shine!

Letters to the Editor

Write a letter anytime and submit online

We need volunteers to write 250-word letters to our local newspapers to express why they are supporting the levy and bond and urging others to do so.​


Sign up and a member of our team will get in touch with you. We have information on submitting your letter, talking points, and a schedule so we do not have too many people submitting letters at the same time.​ This is a great way to help the campaign on your own schedule.

Yard Signs

Installing week of January 15

We are all out of standard size yard signs! If you see any signs around town that need to be maintained (reassembled, put back in the ground, straightened, etc.), please stop and fix them. We will share information for sign pick up after election day.


Click here if you're interested in helping with large signs.

Sign Waving

Final weekend of voting

We will be sign waving on:

  • Saturday, February 10, 2:00 to 3:00 pm at the Manette bridge (east side)

  • Monday, February 12, 3:30 to 4:30 pm at the corner of 11th Street and Warren Avenue


Please bring a yard sign to wave!

Seeking Endorsements


Do you have a large network of friends, family, customers, or​ members across the Bremerton School District? We would love your help turning all of them into campaign supporters! 

Do you have another way to help the campaign? We want to hear from you! Fill out our contact form below and a member of our team will be in touch.

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